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What is the Difference Between a Paper Machine and a Photo Machine?

It’s a simple question with a simple answer. The paper machine works best with standard paper. The photo machine works best with photographic paper.

The majority of Tecre customers choose to print images, even photos, on standard paper (approximately .003″ thick). For those customers, Tecre’s standard button makers work fabulously. However, if you are one of those folks who opt for a thicker photographic material, Tecre has adapted their machines to adapt to you!

Photo Button Making Machines are offered in 3”, 3-1/2”, 4” and 2” x 3” – the sizes where photo buttons tend to be most popular.

While the fact remains that Photo Machines accommodate photo material, you may want to note that Tecre’s setup of these button makers may vary by size. Round Photo Machines are manufactured with more clearance, allowing the machine to accommodate the thicker material. However, because of the design of the rectangle button, adjustments for this size are actually made on the lower die to help the button maker accommodate the thicker material. While the process is different, the result is always a great looking photo button.

Because of the variation between the setup of the sizes, you may have noticed that the Rectangle Photo Button Maker Machines must work with special photo button making supplies. Its mylar and cut line must be larger. Thus, making it necessary for there to be a Rectangle Photo Cutter as well. The Round Photo Button Makers, however, will work with the standard button making supplies and standard cutters.

Still sifting through this gray area? Let us put this in black and white for you:

button making supplies, button maker, button making machine

*please note the 2” x 3” photo button maker machine is the only size that requires you to purchase special photo button making supplies.  All others work with the standard button making supplies.

Of course the sizes listed above are not the ONLY sizes that can work with thicker, photographic paper. Tecre responded to customer’s calls for a photo button in the 2-1/4” size when they created the 2-1/4” photo punch. You can read more about that HERE.

Custom setup for specific material can also be requested for many other sizes (with exception of oval and rounded corner rectangle sizes). If you would like more information on this setup, please call Tecre at (920)922-9168.

Do you already have a Tecre button making machine and need help determining if it is a photo machine or a standard paper machine? No problem! Call us at (920)922-9168.

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